Wyncot Kennels and Cattery is family owned and family run. We are located in Hastingleigh near Wye. We have dogs and cats of our own and have used both
kennels and catteries so we understand what our customers require from a boarding kennels and cattery. Wyncot Kennels and Cattery has been in operation for well over forty years and has built an excellent reputation
for the care and service we are able to offer; we have been in residence since 2005. Wyncot kennel facilities are modern, centrally heated, of bespoke design and purpose built using brick and blocks just like a
modern home and double glazed throughout to ensure a cosy draft-free environment for our guests.
All our kennel facilities are located within the exercise paddocks we use for fun time and exercise. It is simply a matter of opening a door or two to enable the guests to take full advantage of the three acres of grassland our exercise areas have to offer. Fenced throughout by six foot chain metal fences, the exercise paddocks provide the ideal environment for fun-time and that sense of freedom a lead walk does not quite deliver. Of course, some guests have to be lead-walked, because of illness and/or recent operations and the like, these walks are conducted in one of the exercise paddocks, or on good weather days around the nine acres which make up Wyncot. As an alternative we also lead walk our guests around the Wye National Nature Reserve, owned by Natural England which is directly adjacent to Wyncot and is simply a matter of walking through the gate.
Luxury Kennel
The latest addition at Wyncot is the Luxury Kennel which was opened in December 2010 and provides spacious, airy accommodation with the benefit of temperature-controlled
under floor heating throughout. Temperature probes embedded in the floor beneath the kennel units enable local control of the temperature in specific kennels, so whether the guest is young, active and less likely
to feel the cold or more mature in years and requires an additional level of warmth it is simply a matter of the touch of a button to provide the temperature the guest prefers.
Using our experience of being pet owners over the years, when it came to designing a new kennel unit from scratch we made space a key design requirement. All the kennel units are as a minimum double kennels, whether occupied by a single guest or two. We also made family accommodation a priority and built family units some of which are more than capable of housing four to six of the largest of breeds together with ease. So whatever your needs and requirements, be your pets puppies, young and highly active, or in their golden years and like a little peace and quiet, we at Wyncot Kennels and Cattery are able to offer unmatched facilities and service.
Standard Kennel
The Standard Kennel building was completed in the mid-1990s and is constructed of brick and block with cavity walls and double glazing under a tiled roof (just like a modern house) to provide the quality of care every dog should be offered as a minimum. Centrally heated the unit provides excellent value, with good accommodation in a safe hygienic environment with direct views of and access to the exercise fields. The opportunity is there for those who like to see other dogs running but direct contact is prevented by the boundary fence.
All guests, standard or luxury are provided a dog bed and clean washed bedding (unless provided by the owner) to ensure the guest is comfortable and has an enjoyable and relaxed stay. Should the weather turn inclement and the guest gets wet (or soiled) when exercising, bedding is changed for clean dry materials and the guest towelled-off.
As all cat owners know, cats are discerning and shrewd customers who think only the best will do (and rightly so, we think), so when considering the layout for the cattery the customer viewpoint was paramount. Cats like to look and watch, from the security of the perfect perch, which offers comfort with shelter, all our cat units look out over the front garden of the house which attracts the wildlife the Kent countryside has in abundance. Wyncot has a long boundary fence with the Wye National Nature Reserve and woodlands which attracts a diverse and extensive concentration of birds and animals both day and night. As owners of a little piece of wonderful countryside we take a keen interest in attracting all forms of wildlife into the garden and surrounding fields and woodland. To this end we expend time and money in bird and small animal feedstuffs so that our feline guests can appreciate the visual montage that plays across the garden every day of the week, summer and winter.
Laundry Services
As we provide clean washed bedding for our canine and feline guests we have invested in industrial washing machines and dryers. Our industrial washer and dryers can accommodate large loads of 10kg and are available
for customer laundry items at very reasonable prices. If you don't fancy using your household machine to wash your pet bedding or have items that you would equally not like to put through your machine, we can wash
them for you. Please refer to the
At Wyncot we are able to provide a basic dog grooming and bathing service for dogs staying with us, or if in between visits just book a daytime appointment to bring your dog in for a wash and brush-up. Just drop them
off between the hours of 10.00 – 10.30 and collect after 15.30 the same day. From nail clipping to anal gland evacuation service we can look after your furry friend. Please refer to the
Extra Walks & One on One Time
Dogs boarded with us receive as a minimum twice daily exercise and play time in our fenced paddocks as standard. We are pleased to offer a service for additional exercise, i.e. extra walks or one on one time for our
guests. You can choose to do a one-off slot, or multiple extra slots as you require. Please refer to the
Prices & Opening Hours page
You are welcome to visit us and look round during our opening hours.
Opening times are 08.30 to 11.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 daily.